Thursday, December 31, 2009

New year? New resolutions?

s been almost a year since i started this and posted on this blog. Optimism was at its peak then.....but right now, here i am again,another 31st, another year gone...another list of resolutions of which none i will keep...or maybe not...

I realize that its been more than a year since I declared my love to that girl. A year later,I ask myself, What if things were different? What if I chose differently and took the pains to see her this time again? Would she have done the same?More than sadness, its outrage thats running through my veins. Why? Because I'm disgusted by people who say they care when they don't show it.

I realize that its going to be almost a year since my boards that went crap.Would it be any different if i chose to revise instead of watch movies and drink vodka the days before my exams?

Exactly on this day, a year back, I was sitting in the same room,doing the same thing i am right now. Writing. Except this time i'm posting online. Why? I don't know.

I don't find anything wrong with staying at home on such a night. I prefer being alone anyway. I rather be at home, fix myself something nice, wish people on the phone( the ones who call anyway) than be out there getting drunk and mindfucked like the rest of the world.

Soo many questions.........with answers that i will never know.... Bye Bye 2009, you were a pain in the ass. Fuck you.

With a not so small, scotch and soda in my hand,and the last smoke of the year, i bid farwell to thee,2009, one of the worst years i've had and raise a toast and hope for better days that shall come my way !


  1. I liked your post, Thank god you updated :)
    I've tagged you on my blog..Go read :)

  2. 2009 really was bad...wasnt it?..hmm...this year shud b much btr :-)
    so hopefully on the last day of this year.u'l b sitting wid a glass of scotch wid a smile on ur face :)
